Been working on a new set of stickers and finally got them printed.
Pushed some changes to the site, including an up-to-date about page, and a new defaults page.
This blog is now automatically published to Mastodon, via a custom-built script that I’m running on GitHub Actions. Here’s the breakdown:
- A new post is added to the blog.
- The script in GH Actions is triggered by a deployment status event.
- The script fetches the post from the blog, and formats it for Mastodon.
It’s a bit of a hack, but it works for now.
New micro blog
Decided to re-launch this micro blog and take it on as a learning side project.
I’ve rewritten the entire thing twice. First, with Astro, which was a fun but somewhat painful experience. Took me a couple of weeks to build what I wanted. Astro is great, but in the end it just didn’t click for me.
The second time I re-wrote it with SvelteKit, my favorite framework. Took me one day and a half to put the entire thing together. Svelte is super intuitive, exciting to work with, and very designer-friendly. Highly recommend playing with it!
This site now has maps, such as this one of Lisbon or this one of Tokyo. It also has blog posts and a neat about page and links to other sites such as
Bonus, here’s a photo of a recent trip.

I got stung by a bee in my left foot, but not even that could ruin the most incredible afternoon we’d had in Japan.
I am a creative. What I do is alchemy. It is a mystery. I do not so much do it, as let it be done through me.
Starting in South Korea and finishing this trip in Japan meant that Tokyo was the last place we’d be visiting. We had traveled from North to South (Seoul → Busan), then West to East (Osaka → Kyoto), and now Tokyo was waiting for us.
It was time to say goodbye to Kyoto. We had one last day in town, and the goal was to make it count.